Previously, we asked 'Have you checked your hearing?' We talked about how we make adjustments in various situations and just keep moving instead of slowing down and listening for the voice of the Lord. Today, we will talk about listening to God. We are surrounded by so much noise that it can drown the primary voice we should be seeking to hear. In an article by Alice Clarke, “The Beginner’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice,” Ms. Clarke offers the following four keys:
· Be still: Quiet yourself down;
· Look: Fix your eyes on Jesus;
· Listen: Tune to spontaneous flow; and
· Write it down
Today, it is imperative that we slow down and use any of the four ways to hear from the Lord. Having this divine alignment will also place us in a right relationship with God; because God should be placed at the head of our lives and guiding every aspect of it. This will also help us to avoid many of the pitfalls in life.
The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 33:3, Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Luke 11:28, He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.” Psalms 85:8, I will listen to what God the Lord says; He promises peace to his people, His faithful servants—but let them not turn to folly.
Let’s go to God first with everything! Nothing is too big or too small! He desires a closer walk with each of us. As always, thank you for your love and continued support! Join me in prayer to change hearts, to heal our land, and for the contentment and peace to handle whatever should come up! I am so thankful to each of you for joining me on this journey to re-imagine contentment in 2024! God has so much in store for each of us in 2024! This is our year to OVERCOME!
Always look for the Remarkable in your life!
Min. Dr. ReShone